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Prairieland Frontiersmen, Inc.

Prairieland Frontiersmen, Inc. is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation organized in 1975. We are a 1840's period re-enacting club. The Club is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of nine directors elected annually at large from the general membership in October of each year. The Club's fiscal year is from October 1st to September 30th of the following year. At present, there are about 130 paying members in the Club. The Club is not strictly a primitive Club, as buckskinners and "blue-jean" shooters are about equally represented.


The Club's range is located on the north side of the Bruce-Coles road, 3.2 miles east of the intersection of Illinois Route #32 and the Bruce-Findlay crossroads. The Bruce-Findlay crossroads are located 5 miles south of Sullivan on Illinois Route #32. Look for our sign and the range shack on the north side of the road. The range includes a range shack for storage of targets and supplies, latrines, a 25-yd., a 50-yd., and a 100-yd. range, a trap range and a skeet range. It also includes a "woodswalk" with primitive silhouette targets at varying distances in the woods east of the main range. There are also knife and hawk blocks available, and a knife and hawk woods walk. A primitive bow shoot is also offered at the monthly shoots. The Club owns the land upon which the range is located, and a log cabin type of clubhouse has been completed next to the range. The firing line is covered, and a partially enclosed pavilion has been completed. A parking area west of the road into the range has been leased.


The Club encourages participation by spouses and children. Children must be under the direct supervision of parents or some other responsible adult while at the range. Any youth under the age of 16 may shoot, but must have an adult present at all times who is experienced and knowledgeable in black powder firearms. In addition, the adult must load the weapon for any youth under the age of 12. The youth may also load the gun from age 12 to 16. At the Spring Rendezvous, we will have a special junior shoot for those under the age of 16. Age 16 and above compete in the adult matches. We do also have a children's playground.


Only black powder muzzleloading or cartridge firearms are permitted to be fired on the range. No .22's or modern smokeless powder cartridge rifles, pistols or shotguns. Only traditional muzzleloading firearm matches are now scheduled at the monthly shoots. Modern style muzzleloader (zip gun) or black powder cartridge matches are scheduled only when there are enough members who desire to shoot such matches.


A 3-day primitive rendezvous is held usually the last full weekend of April each year. This is the Club's "big event" and everyone is encouraged to participate. In addition, the October and February shoots are 2-day shoots and include camping out at the range if you so desire. These are good times with a special shoot on the woodswalk. We also sponsor and hold each year on the second weekend in March a historic Arms and Craft Show in Teutopolis, Illinois, to include pre-1898 reproductions and fur trade and colonial era crafts. Included in the regular shoot schedule also is a fall camp held Friday, Saturday and Sunday in conjunction with the October shoot the second Sunday in October, together with the annual membership meeting and family potluck on Sunday, a turkey shoot in conjunction with the November shoot, and a frozen asses camp on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in conjunction with the February shoot.


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